Thursday, April 21, 2011


So how do you go about making 44 children rescued out of slums being cared for by a 20-year old (formerly in their spot), his 25 year old friend, and a volunteer house mom sustainable? Well, when their full-time gig is love & care (and teaching in between), they don't have time to raise their own funds. You could continually support them OR you could see a solid, sweet, spirit-led & passionate gang of community help them out by purchasing them a taxi in their honor.
   In the memory of Randeep and his mother Dalvir, we are in the process of a taxi-van purchase.

- hired out to a company/driver
- it carries 14 passengers at a time- operating like a mini bus
- should provide an income of $15-30 a day to the home
It'll serve to curb future shortage of FOOD, medical care, and other bills.
[It'll be a great companion to the CHICKEN FARM already built, soon to have chick's & in 7 months EGGS (for food & a small income). School fees & school support will also come from these causes]. YeaaAYHHH! JOY!
Packed like a sardine can on wheels on a hot day
Bustlin' taxi park

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